Classes opening
Apologies to all the keen beans wanting to get back to face to face yoga classes, but most of our halls still won’t let us use the venues yet or are keeping us waiting with their Covid-19 safety plans so we still don’t know when classes can start again. We may be able to open Scarborough and Mt Hawthorn in a couple of weeks, but realistically most classes won’t go back until term 3. We will keep you updated when we know more.
Zoom classes
Zoom classes are going well, with everyone who has given it a go pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it has been doing yoga in the comfort of their own home with their pets. It’s been nice seeing many fluffy loved ones participating in the yoga!
If you want to try the zoom yoga, but feel worried by using the technology, then send us an email and we can set up a private meeting and run you through how to to use the app. It can be daunting at first, but is quite simple once you have used it.
We send out the links for all the zoom classes by Monday each week, if you have paid and signed up for the zoom and you don’t receive these, firstly check your junk folder as it will most likely be there. If it’s not in your junk folder please call or text on 0437639999 and let us know.
Zoom classes are only $12 per week for unlimited classes, for more details follow the link
This weeks classes are Bhumi’s “balance & strength” class and “heart breathing meditation” and Quentin’s classes are “All round class ” and “Bilateral body scan”.
Follow the link
I’d pick more Daisies
If I had my life to live over again, I’d try to make more mistakes next time,
I would relax; I would limber up; I would be sillier than
I have been on this trip………..
I know of very few things I would take seriously………
I would take more trips, I would be crazier………
I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and
watch more sunsets……….
I would do more walking and looking. I would eat more ice cream and less beans……
I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones……..
You see, I’m one of those people who live life prophylactically and sensibly hour after hour, day after day.
Oh, I’ve had my moments, and if I had to do it ally over again, I’d try to have nothing else, just moments, one after another…….instead of living so many years ahead each day.
I’ve been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer,
a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat, aspirin and a parachute.
If I had to do it all over again, I would go places, do things and
travel lighter than I have…..
If I had to live my life over I would start barefooted earlier in the Spring and stay later in the Autumn…..
I would play hookey more…….
I wouldn’t make such good grades, except by accident.
I would ride on more merry-go-rounds…
I’d pick more daisies.
Nadine Stair (aged 85)