Greetings again, sorry for yet another UPDATE from us, but the situation regarding the lock-down keeps changing.We have now been in contact with all of our venues and we are able to use them for the rest of the week, with a maximum of 20 people per class and mandatory mask wearing. So the Churchlands Tuesday pm class, South Perth am and pm class, the Mt Hawthorn Thursday am class and the Scarborough Thursday pm will all be running face to face classes. As usual we will be live-streaming all the classes, so if you don’t like wearing masks or don’t feel it is safe, you can still do your class that way.The 20 person limit won’t be an issue for most classes except for the Wednesday morning South Perth. If you come to that class and are happy to do zoom for this week, could you let us know so we can keep track of numbers. We only need 6-7 extra people to do zoom to keep the class size to 20. Also there is space in the South Perth night class so you could attend there if you want to.Please remember to stay Covid safe, by using hand sanitiser on entry, signing in and practicing social distancing.Once next week’s restrictions are announced, we will be in touch again, but hopefully things will be back to normal.
Kind Regards Quentin and Bhumi ❤