Come and take a day out for yourself, to rest, rejuvenate and recharge in the natural surrounds of the Star Swamp reserve.

“In this very moment, no matter what your condition or situation, you have within you all the resources you need for growing, healing and working with stress, pain, illness and the everyday challenges you are facing. A growing body of scientific evidence supports the reality of a profound mind-body connection and now recognizes that learning and practicing mindfulness can positively affect your sense of health and well-being physically, mentally and emotionally, while simultaneously offering you a means of discovering a deeper sense of ease and peace of mind.” Saki Santorelli, Centre for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts

Come and join Quentin for a day mindfulness and yoga on Saturday the 17th of  November, 10am-3pm at the Henderson  Environmental Centre hall, nestled in the beautiful Star Swamp of North Beach. Bring a yoga mat, blanket and a packed lunch. Morning and afternoon tea and snacks will be provided.

Between stimulus and  response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor Frankl

Cost $80 please book my e-mailing