Hello again and we hope you are all well and doing your best with the ever changing landscape that has come our way. How life can change so much in a short amount of time on both a personal and global level is truly amazing and challenging. 

Each Monday we will send out a newsletter with new audio tracks to freely enjoy.
Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to offer feedback and appreciation for the audios. Feel free to contact us with any feedback.

I have made a page in the web-site called Yoga Audios so
that each week we will add new tracks to the list of previous offerings.

This week 4 new audios tracks have been added.
Bhumi’s class is in two parts. The first track is called “Bhumi balancing yoga class” and “Brain balancing meditation” is the second track.
My (Quentin) class also has 2 parts which should be played consecutively. These are titled “Quentin yoga class 2 part a” and the second track “Quentin yoga class part b with meditation”.

To listen and download for free please click the following link